The Crisis Control Center, Inc. (CCC) offers victims services in the following areas:
Shelter/Food clothing
Our shelter is a safe place where abused victims and their child may stay while making decisions about their future. CCC provides a home-like atmosphere with caring people to offer support.
Crisis Intervention
Assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, offering alternatives and awareness of resources.
Hospital Advocacy
Advocacy support during emergency room examinations.
Rape Response
Intervention and support at the hospital and with law enforcement.
Assist with filing for protective orders, escorting to court, filling out applications for victim compensation fund claims, housing, schools, jobs and government assistance.
Individual and group sessions to assist with and educate survivors in acquiring the information and skills necessary to take control of their lives.
Make referrals to service agencies that provide assistance and support in areas such as medical, legal, financial, employment and housing.
Advocates work with clients to empower them to become self-sufficient in areas of parenting skills, life skills, obtaining housing, job placement, and other community resources.